a tale that will draw you into the intricacies of hidden lives and unexpected connections. Imagine a young cafe owner named Lee Jooin, deliberately living as a recluse in the tranquility of the countryside, seeking solace from the chaotic urban life of Seoul. His extraordinary ability to perceive thoughts as written words has made him wary, unable to confront the painful messages left behind in his shattered past.
However, Jooin’s peaceful existence takes an abrupt turn when a mysterious package of illicit substances lands on his doorstep, shattering the calm he had carefully cultivated. This unforeseen event entangles him with an unconventional new customer, Mookya, the trusted confidant of the infamous Sa Gang. Beyond Mookya’s endearing quirks, there is something Jooin cannot ignore—his inability to read Mookya’s thoughts. Longing for a genuine connection untainted by his mind-reading abilities, Jooin decides to follow Mookya back to Seoul.